How Can I Use Grids at Footy Training?
At Vida Footy, we use grids regularly in our sessions and holiday programs because they teach...
Footy Performance S&C Program
Vida Fitness is excited to announce our new athlete development Sports Performance Strength &...
100 Words Mate to Mate & Vida Partnership
Did you know the biggest killer of men aged between 16 and 44 is…… themselves! Each day 7 men in...
What is Transition Football?
Transitioning out of defence is one of the most important parts of your tactics on game day. Not...
How do I Teach Forwards?
This article will go over some of the best activities to use when trying to develop your forwards....
Vida Holiday Program
At our recent holiday program, we had special guests Matt Rowell, Noah Anderson and Trent Bianco...
Why is it Important to Reward Run From Behind?
Coaches should understand the importance of trying to add, and/or set KPI's for hand-balling to a...
What is Football Communication?
This week we will briefly talk about communication from your players. Communication from your...
How Should Kids Set Up at Boundary Throw-Ins?
These diagrams can assist with your set ups for boundary throw ins at almost all levels and age...
What is Defensive Running?
Defensive running is something that is often looked over in junior footy. Everyone loves kicking...