GPS Data Intensive 6 Week Footy Program

GPS Data Intensive 6 Week Footy Program

Vida Footy is excited to bring you this 6-week intensive training program focusing on GPS data to improve development & performance.

No longer are how many possessions a player gets good enough. The demand is for data that reveals how players affected the contest and whether they ran defensively once the ball was turned over, giving a better indication of how individual players and teams, in general, are tracking.

The data now readily available includes repeat sprints, overall distance covered during a match, and work rate. “Teams can plan training sessions based on game data, replace generic fitness testing with footy-specific drills and use the data for recruiting purposes, so they know when an U18 player is ready to perform like a senior player.”Mr Westover said Catapult Sport

The program will run for 6 weeks and feature three sessions per week where all players in the program will be wearing GPS trackers to monitor their running and repeat efforts. The stats will be made available for the players and training sessions will be designed around the results of the data. The focus areas of the program will be

  • Intensive running
  • Skill and fundamental development
  • Strength, speed, and agility
  • contested ground ball – developing body positioning
  • contested marking – developing body positioning

There will be two age brackets for the sessions with a cap number of 10 per group (due to restrictions)

  • Group 1 – 11 to 14 years old
  • Group 2 – 15 to 18 years old

The details

  • Location: Veneto Club Bulleen or Ford Park Ivanhoe – To be confirmed
  • Start Date: Tuesday 10th November
  • Last Session Date: Sunday 20th December
  • Days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
  • Session Times:
    • Group 1 – Tue & Thu 4.30pm to 6.00pm, Sunday 10.00am to 11.30am
    • Group 2 – Tue & Thu 6.00pm to 7.30pm, Sunday 11.30am to 1.00pm

Due to limited places, if you are wanting to join this program please register quickly, as once we are full, we can not take any further players.

Vida Holiday Program

Vida Holiday Program

At our recent holiday program, we had special guests Matt Rowell, Noah Anderson and Trent Bianco attend to help teach the kids a few things.The kids really enjoyed learning from some of the future stars of the AFL. We just wanted to thank the boys for giving up their time and would like to wish them well in the upcoming AFL draft. Good luck boys! (more…)

Developing Kicking Efficiency

Developing Kicking Efficiency


Kicking is becoming more and more scrutinised as players transition from junior to teenage age groups. We are finding that players are spending less time in developing this particular area at the key skill development ages of 7 to 13.  Here at Vida Footy, we are experiencing players that are prepared to invest in their development through video analysis are progressing their skill set at a greater rate, as visual feedback provides the best form of clarity for the majority of juniors.

As coaches, we have to spend time developing fundamental skill sets for young players to ensure that good habits are learned, formed and built upon throughout the junior years. It is also vital that the correct technique is developed, and that constant repetition is used to ensure the skill becomes an automatic muscular movement. These movements then need to be translated from a closed skill environment into an open skill with a variety of constraints added.

The importance of weekly sessions

The benefit of weekly kicking sessions for juniors is that they are able to develop their skill in an educational environment, with constant repetition with consistency. Having a mentor analyse, improve and perfect a kicking technique goes a long way to a junior having greater kicking efficiency later on down the track as they continually develop in size. These sessions also build confidence in the player and helps them to have a positive junior experience, no matter the level of player.

For information about Vida Footy’s weekly Monday night skill sessions in term 3, please click on the link: 


Developing Kicking Efficiency

Kicking from Both Sides

Throughout the year, players should be encouraged to kick on both sides of their body.  A player who can do has a significant advantage when it comes to playing at a higher level.  Even if your player’s goals is not to play AFL, it is still important to teach both sides as it is a key skill in modern football at all levels.

If you are a coach or a parent who wants to help their child develop, it would be a good idea to try and implement the following either at training, or the back yard.

Throughout the week you should be encouraging your players to kick on their opposite side throughout your activities, especially when pushed to that non-preferred side. Developing this tool will make that player so much better as a whole.
Think about players such as Sam Mitchel, who can get out of trouble from either side.  They can also attack from either side of his body, making him a great player even if he may give away some six and speed than some other AFL Footballers.

During a Game

You may not necessarily want to set KPI’s for this as the occurrence may vary.  However, you would want to let your players know that they should keep their own tally of opposite foot or even opposite hands handballs.  Your players will know when they should be using their non-preferred side, therefore try to get them to tell you after the game how many times they did so when they had the chance.
After the game, have a discussion about why it is important to develop this skill and therefore try to get your players to understand the “why”. You can then use this feedback to take into your training session throughout the week, and reiterate the important of the opposite side.
In the upcoming School Holidays, we will have a Master Skill Development Program which will have a heavy focus on kicking skill development. If you want your child to improve their kicking, check out the link below to learn about the program and how it could improve the kicking of juniors.
Women’s Footy and Vida.

Women’s Footy and Vida.

Very soon we will see the first official Women’s AFL season.  What a great thing for AFL Footy and women in particular.  For too long girls had to stop playing at a certain age as it was considered a man’s game. Not now!  Over the last year Vida Footy has begun putting time and effort into helping grow the women’s side of the game, and now our Holiday Program and Skills Session have plenty of girls participating.  Furthermore, we have provided girl specific training programs to junior clubs in Melbourne to try and encourage more girls to sign up for the 2017 season.

If you want to find out more about how you can sign up please click here. 

Over the summer, we received an email from a young lady named Claire.  Initially, we thought it was someone signing up their child for a skills session.  Well, it turned out Claire wanted to improve her kicking and skills for the 2017 season.  Claire has worked with Vince for about 6 sessions, mainly working on her kick technique so she can take back to her local club.  As you can see from the video below she made some huge improvements over a small amount of time!  Well done Claire, and good luck this season.



Claire was also nice enough to write the following after her experience with Vince and the Vida Team.


“After playing AFL for 5 years, I felt that I had reached a point where my skills, particularly kicking, were holding me back. I was frustrated by the fact that, despite my best efforts, I was unable to make improvements in this area.
My decision to get in touch with the VIDA team has helped me to become a more versatile footballer. Even during my very first session, I was able to see significant improvements.

Vince is a knowledgeable, enthusiastic and passionate coach. In 6 short sessions, he was able to completely re-program my kicking technique. Vince genuinely believes in your ability and will work hard with you to improve and find consistency in your skills.

Vince uses an open and transparent approach to player development; at all stages of the process, he provided clear, accessible steps and regular feedback. Vince showed me how to use video analysis as an empowering tool to help self-evaluate my technique. He also provided me with a program so that I could continue my development outside of our one on one sessions.

These resources have equipped me with the skills I need to continue fine tuning my skills during the season.

The VIDA team will happily tailor individual or group sessions and are invested in helping you find improvement and reach your goals. I can’t thank Vince enough for the guidance and support he has shown me.

 I’m looking forward to the upcoming season!”

Again, for more information about how Vida can help the women of Footy, please contact us with through the form below.

General info form

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