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Kicking is becoming more and more scrutinised as players transition from junior to teenage age groups. We are finding that players are spending less time in developing this particular area at the key skill development ages of 7 to 13.  Here at Vida Footy, we are experiencing players that are prepared to invest in their development through video analysis are progressing their skill set at a greater rate, as visual feedback provides the best form of clarity for the majority of juniors.

As coaches, we have to spend time developing fundamental skill sets for young players to ensure that good habits are learned, formed and built upon throughout the junior years. It is also vital that the correct technique is developed, and that constant repetition is used to ensure the skill becomes an automatic muscular movement. These movements then need to be translated from a closed skill environment into an open skill with a variety of constraints added.

The importance of weekly sessions

The benefit of weekly kicking sessions for juniors is that they are able to develop their skill in an educational environment, with constant repetition with consistency. Having a mentor analyse, improve and perfect a kicking technique goes a long way to a junior having greater kicking efficiency later on down the track as they continually develop in size. These sessions also build confidence in the player and helps them to have a positive junior experience, no matter the level of player.

For information about Vida Footy’s weekly Monday night skill sessions in term 3, please click on the link: