by teamvida | Apr 9, 2021 | Coach Development, General Footy, Player Development
At Vida Footy, we use grids regularly in our sessions and holiday programs because they teach players at all levels fundamentals that directly help with real game situations. Grids can be employed at all levels, including tackers! Make sure you modify the grid so that they work and watch your players improve their tactics and game awareness.

Different types of Grids
There are many types of grids with many variations you can use to work on different parts of the game. Let’s start with the size of the area. If you want to work on handballing, use grids sizes from 5×5 to 10×20 meters. Kicking grids can also vary, obviously depending on what you need to work on. Grids can have defenders too. You can make it where there is less defenders than attackers, and visa versa. Make sure you have a clear focus on the desired output of your grid and modify the rules and size to match.
What do you learn from grids?
Grids are a way to teach your players the fundamental tactics and movement patterns of the game. You can use groups to reinforce technical skills, but ultimately you are working on the following aspects
– Passing on a 45
– Blocking for team mates
– Constant movement
– Creating space
– Quick hands or kicks under pressure
– Leading to the correct areas
– Decision making
– Defending
– Tackling
One of the most important skills to pass on to your players is where to move to within the grid. This will be something to look out for throughout your use of the grids.
Tackers coaches and coaches of young teams, please try and incorporate small handball grids into your training as we have seen over the years, players as young as 7 really benefiting from these activities.
Coaches of older teams, remember grids are used by AFL clubs, so make sure you try and incorporate them into your training schedule.
by teamvida | Jul 28, 2020 | Coach Development, General Footy, Player Development
Transitioning out of defence is one of the most important parts of your tactics on game day. Not only does it get you out of defence, but it can, if done quickly, move the ball into the forward line fast.
One of the best ways to use this defensive to attacking tactic is when the ball is intercepted or possession gained on one side of the ground, the player with the ball quickly switches the play to the other side of the ground.
The reason why this can work is:
– Most players will be on the side of the ground where the ball was previously, opening up space to the transition side.
– Because the defending team was previously attacking forward, they may not be manned up on their player, leaving the attacking team open to transition the ball forward.
– Opens the field up, making room for fast play
How to practice and Implement this strategy.
First of all keep using the term “in one way out the other”. This will remind your players to scan the field when they are in this position to potentially use it. Get your players to swivel their heads to scan for options every-time they get the ball. Therefore if a player gets the ball, they have an option to kick the ball down the line. They can also transition the play across the ground, or into the middle (only if a player is well and truly open).
Kicking the ball down the line should be encouraged only when there are no options left, or the player feels that is the best tactic to use in that particular situation. Maybe their best marking player has a mismatch, or you are winding the clock down and kick it close to the boundary line, looking for a stoppage.
by teamvida | Nov 25, 2019 | Coach Development, General Footy, Player Development
This article will go over some of the best activities to use when trying to develop your forwards. Furthermore, in doing these activities you will also be working on your defenders’ techniques and positions. Most of these activities require both attackers and defenders.
Remember to always rotate your players back and forth between being attackers and defenders as the overall development of the player is extremely important. A lot of AFL players get drafted to play certain position and are converted to another during their first few years.
Most of these activities have small numbers and can be implemented differently into your training times. You could have multiple groups doing the same activity all around the ground. You can use it as one of your rotations along with other activities in a circuit.
Links to activity videos for Vida members:
Front and Centre Goal Kicking – CLICK HERE
Double Effort Handball and Mark – CLICK HERE
Marking Square Plus Body – CLICK HERE
Roll and Hit Up Target – CLICK HERE
Push and Lead – CLICK HERE
Grid then Hit Up Forwards – CLICK HERE
Click the links above to view the videos.
Remember, you are logged in, click activity videos, and then you can filter your searches from the right hand side bar.
by teamvida | Oct 21, 2019 | Camps and Events, General Footy, Vida News
At our recent holiday program, we had special guests Matt Rowell, Noah Anderson and Trent Bianco attend to help teach the kids a few things.The kids really enjoyed learning from some of the future stars of the AFL. We just wanted to thank the boys for giving up their time and would like to wish them well in the upcoming AFL draft. Good luck boys! (more…)
by teamvida | Oct 21, 2019 | General Footy, Player Development
Coaches should understand the importance of trying to add, and/or set KPI’s for hand-balling to a player running from behind.
What we mean by this is to have a player running past another player who has either marked the ball or received a free-kick. The player receiving the ball should be running at a reasonable pace to try and get the ball forward faster than what the marking player would.
The below example of how fast the ball can be moved forward from a running player, creating a situation where the defence may not be set-up properly.
At all levels of junior footy, this tactic should be taught to your players. One way to try and get your players to do this is to set some KPI’s for the amount of hand-ball receive from stationary. Obviously, with the younger ages you would not be as harsh on the results of them trying the tactics, but as the ages and abilities progress, you should make your players aware of the way it changes the game.
Set a reasonable KPI for your team and remind them during the quarter and half time breaks. When there is a successful passage remind your players and use the resulting KPI’s to justify the results.
Your KPI numbers should be around the following
Tackers – 10’s 5 per game
10 -12’s 2 per quarter
12′-14’s 2-4 per quarter
14 and up 5 per quarter
Advantages of Play
Some of the advantages of the play are:
- Ability to move the ball forwards fast
- Get the opposition out of position
- Take advantage of fast players
- Clear different zones of the field
- Rebound fast out of defence
- Teach your players to ability to look for different options