Key points around Ground Ball
- Cleans hands ( 1 touch )
- Always look to get low using your legs
- Spread fingers and get dirt in your fingernails when picking up the ball
- Eyes always on the ball
- Footwork, always adjusting feet prior to picking the ball up
- Create challenges how many effective ground balls eg 1TOUCH and handballs can you do without error in 60sec
Start Point
- 1.5 meter apart Rowell to pick GB up and HB back while partner rolls ball left to right continuous effort after 60sec swap over
- Working on footwork and continuous movement ( EFFORT )
- When you HB back keep alternating hands and feet
- Increase the length and speed of drill
Progression 1
- Start behind the cone while your partner rolls the ball out for you to run towards once you receive GB and then HB back you must backpedal around the cone going the other way
- Increase the speed adding in more pressure ( EFFORT )
- Keep a focus with your footwork eg Right HB = LF Left HB = RF
- Increase the length of handball when comfortable
Progression 2
- Two balls required – Clean hands ( 1 TOUCH )
- One handballs the other hits the ball back with the footy making it challenging
- Alternate hands and increase the speed as you become comfortable
- Footwork really important always be on your toes
- Increase the speed and length of handball when comfortable ( EFFORT )
Progression 3
- One Ball required – Rowell starts with ball
- HB to your partner who then taps the ball to an area making you work to pick the GB up
- The player tapping the ball must look to challenge their EFFORT and change of direction to work on agility
- Requires a high work rate in a small area ( EFFORT )